Sunday, February 21, 2016

Service Learning

There are many projects in the classroom that can be linked to the basic necessities of life:Food, water, and shelter. When thinking about a lesson plan that would work in the classroom linking to the idea of shelter the first project that popped into my mind was the project we completed in Secondary Methods. This project was to create a shelter that showed your fear, encapsulated your fear, or was a safe place from your fear. I feel that if I were to assign this project in my classroom I would have the students create a shelter that encapsulated their fears. When we are scared,lonely, or even need a piece of mind we always go to a place that we consider to be our shelter whether that is an actual building or a location. Everyone needs to have a place they consider to be their shelter. For students I think that this is important for them to think about. Even deeper it is important for students to realize how many  children and families do not have a shelter. After this primarily project  I would continue on with this idea and have the students collaborate and think of materials that could be found naturally or outside that could be used to create a shelter.  After brainstorming and researching materials I would then have the students create their own shelter using materials that they can find and are natural. At the end of the project I have students compare and contrast their two shelters that they had created. When looking at an artist that creates shelters one person specifically came to mind. He is an artist that I have started to follow and look at his work. Gregory Kloehn is an artist that goes through what most people consider to be garbage to create homes for homeless people. Below is a link to some of the houses that he has made and also a link to his artist website.

maslow's hierarchy of needs five stage pyramideWhen planning  projects in the classroom that students can relate to and be interested in completing I think that service learning projects is a great direction to head into. Service learning projects are a way that students can create meaningful connections in their community which will increase their knowledge and learning experiences. When I was in school we never did any art projects that related to service learning and I wish that we had. I feel that I would have been very interested in creating a project that could potentially have an impact. A level of Maslow's Hierarchy that could be met during a service learning project in art would be safety needs. Safety needs can be safety from the weather, protection, stability, laws, and feeling safe from our fears. When students feel safe then self-actualization needs can be met. Students will know their self potential, being satisfied with themselves, pushing themselves to do better, and grow as an individual. All these ideas can come from a service learning project being completed in the classroom.

When adding a service learning project to my classroom I want the students to be inspired and understand what a service learning project is and what it can do. The Empty Bowls project is a great project to be implemented into a classroom because most schools do a can food drive for their local food bank and adding homemade ceramic bowls could make the two projects combine. Using the K-12 service learning standards this would make a great project to get students to be involved. By making bowls and combining with other organizations at the school and the local food bank their is meaningful services being completed. Linking this to the curriculum in skills, collaboration, reflection, and transferring knowledge is what we strive all students to do. Students will be able to learn about the diversity in their community and how important the food bank is and why the Empty Bowls project is so widespread. This is allowing students to have a voice in their projects and learn how to partner with an organization or group. By completing this project students will be able to monitor themselves and also monitor their progress as a whole by collaborating with another student organization who is putting on the food drive. This project will also allow students to work together for an extended amount of time and research what the community needs. Students who complete meaningful service learning projects will learn a lot about a certain issue, learn how to research, make an impact, and reflect on their projects. Service learning projects in the classroom is a great way for students to gain interest and create meaningful work.


  1. Really great artist example!! I've been following his work as well! I think the examples you used for the shelter project are spot on. I also really enjoyed your different views on "safety." I would not have thought to look at such an idea from so many different angles. Great analysis on how safety can lead students to become better artists.

    I agree that including Empty Bowls into the ceramics program would be useful and fun, but we wanted you to do some research into a different organization and incorporate their goals into your lessons. Can you give me an example of a different organization that would fit into a curriculum?

  2. Lindsey, I love the connection you made to the shelter project from last semester. I think the idea of creating a tiny house for someone who is homeless could be a group service learning project or trying to design a movable form of shelter for a homeless person would be a fantastic design lesson that could impact issue of homelessness in a community. Great work!
